SKATE CAMP STARTS MONDAY! $25 to Register        book.                Tube!

Showdown in O'Town Results!


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Week One of Showdown in O'Town is complete and we have a familiar face out in front with Steele London taking it tonight. All of you will remember that Steele was the leader into the third round last summer but quickly fell behind after he hurt his ankle early in the season.

So here is the current Showdown leaderboard:
Steele London/TJ Leighton 9 pts**
Terrill Sands 8 pts
Connor Atkins 7 pts
Dylan Ratti 5 pts
Mat Hinchey 4 pts**
BK/ Chris Walsh 3 pts
A million others at 1 pt

See you next week!

**Updated! Forgot one week!

Videos/Skate Camp/Video Camp


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Double Parts are IN THE WORKS
It would probably be a good time to start thinking of some song possibilities for me to edit to. If you are interested in having a double part this summer, contact Rodney and we'll get the ball rolling!

In other news, we are near the completion of planning the first ever Skateboard Camp to be offered at OSP. The camp will run in July, date to be announced.

In other other news, OSP will also be running a course on Skate Video creation. Planning is near completion and details will be provided soon.

In Other, other, other news, here's a treat:

Tens - a skateboard video 2010 from Deer Head on Vimeo.

Opening Day!


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Thanks to everyone who came out to the opening day! It was a blast! Congrats to Will Berscheid, Jeremy Hamilton, and Tj Leighton for taking home first in their categories. Many thanks again to East Side Board Supply for graciously giving us some schwag!

FULL TIME Hours Start June 14th


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Just like the title suggests; Full time hours start June 14th.

We're going to be kicking the summer off with a bang and we want to see what you'd like to see go down. Check out the event on Facebook by clicking this sweet picture just below:::::::::

Tonight's the Night!


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Just a reminder that tonight is the night the teddy bears have their picnic! But! Don't waste your time eating stupid crab meat sandwiches with bears capable of speaking english and preparing an entire picnic! Come and spend it with us! Watching Back to Square One! It's a movie! With Skateboarding! By people we know! Who rip!!!


- Movie starts at 7 pm, but we open at 6 pm - See you there :)

And! here's a treat.. A cat hiccupping and farting!

Premiere Tomorrow!


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The premiere is only one sleep away! Don't forget to mass text all of your friends and tell them about it! We will be free skating until we actually fire up the vid @ 7 PM sharp! Late-comers will be forced to watch the movie from behind the screen! (joke.. But be there on time!)

It is NOT an ELUSIVE video, but it is being sponsored by them, so show some love. There will be DVDs for sale for $15 bucks, so bring some cash. Sean said he will remember the people who buy DVDs and aim for them when it's product toss time, so keep that in mind!

The run time sits around 25 minutes and there will be no skating during the playing of the video (It's a sound pollution thing). The event is BYOM, Bring Your Own Munchies. We will be watching it on the bleachers, and you are reminded to please pick up after yourselves if you leave crumbs/bottles/etc behind.

There will be prizes given away through raffle and product toss, as well as best munchie, and best hat. So bring your best head gear and homemade trail mix and prepare to get free stuff!

Here's a treat:::