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Showdown in O'Town is more INTENTS THAN CAMPING


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If you were following our Facebook, you may have seen THIS post:

As it turns out BK had been thinking about it all day and came to Showdown with his eye on the prize. Landing every variation of inward heel, tre flip, and 360 cleaner than Mr. Clean's bathroom, he was able to power through the first round after handing Rodney his BYE, (which Rodney went on to waste by losing in 5 tricks).

In the second round, BK beat out last week's winner, Terry Scott in a tight game that swung back and forth until BK buried the hatchet with a fakie inward heel.

Colin "Collywood" Williams made his second appearance in the finals to take on BK and took him all the way to E where BK was awarded a third last try that was controversial, but approved by Colin. BK fought back and landed a nollie 360 fs shuv and graciously gave Colin 5 tries to land the trick he had never even attempted. With a fist in the air, Colin rolled away with the trick. The very next set however, BK took the game with a reg frontside 360 shuvit, moving him up to third place just behind Terrence Scott.

TJ Leighton has accepted a challenge from BK, putting 4 points on the line. After a hard fought battle, and against BK's pleads for a double or nothing, second game after he had E, TJ takes it, moving him 4 points further in the lead.

TJ Leighton 31 pts
Terrence Scott 21
Rodney Mann/Collin "Collywood" Williams 17 pts
BK 15 pts
Kyle Albright/Chris Walsh 12 pts
Steele London/Mike Bennet/ 9 pts
Terrill Sands 8 pts
Connor Atkins/Stephan Curtis 7 pts
Jessie Allen/Josh Palmer 6 pts
Dylan Ratti 5 pts
Mat Hinchey/Lucas "Pukas" Butts 4 pts
Chris Walsh/MOSES/Patrice Savageau 3 pts
A million others at 1 pt


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